2011-03-16 @ 00:00:02some times when i sit down and wonder how my life has been i can say that my life been shit 75% and good 25% but the thing is i forgett everyday who passes me and that shit scares the shit out of me like i put a dot after that chapter and id ont want that top happen at all i want to remember the stuff that i been trough cause it makes me to who i am the dude whos allways kind and calm and try's to fokus on what he's doing and what he wants to do whit his life ut everyday who passes me i begin to get more and more lost in to the djungle and deeper and deeper and darker int to my self infact ive begined to like the color black again and that means bad that im on my way in to the same fucking drama that ive been trough and the tuff periods but theres a bright angel who lifts me upp from all that that angel has changed my fear but i still have my paranoia about stuff and her and i dont want to have that paranoia feeling inside of me cause i love her and i realy dont want to lose here as the status where in right now cause verytime i look in to her eyes its like she shines up my black and white contrasts on the world and on my life just want you all humans out there to know im a special human to notice around im allways in my head thinkin thinkin thinkin thinkin thinkin pling think ive found something ''oooh fuck i forgott it'' and then thinkin thinkin thinkin again thats my everyday life time my rutines almost cant even consentrate in school and thats a fucking a big problem meight but gotta go to sleep everybody but i hope you all out there understands how i mean whit stuff right now PEACE live longest time you ever could do bless big love to all ya'll