shit is beginin to be real.

2011-03-23 @ 03:41:04


im in a dark room.
can hear the demon's in me groom.
killin fo a hunger who doesn't exists.
hits the walls whit my angry fist's.
i don't wanna be sad and create mist's.
fuck all othe bitches clitt's.
my girl's perfectly fit's
im fallin down but gettin up again on the cliff's.
walkin the green mile road and tryin to lift.
feelin like a ugly toad who like's to time drift.
my destination is nowhere.
smellin the real nature in the atmosphere,
wanna stay here.
but this place isn't pure and clean.
my soul is lost like a crackphean.
in the outside im like Mr.bean.
back i can't lean.
psychical stress is creatin paranoia.
whit my mind people is playing pingpong.
gotta keep my health like kingkong's
Don't need weed like cheech & chong.

lost in the track of time.
no matter what never lose your life line.
Kid youlle allways be able to make everything right.
lost in the track of time.
no matter what never lose youre life line.
Kid youle allways be able to make everything right.

Vers 2:
one nation.
allways have some one to proof youre lovin.
to the world.
look on me my head is twirles & curled.
change the world i would if i only could.
wakin up in a nightmare.
Cant take it about takin care.
my self and other fuckin elf's
wanna shut me in my shell.
fuck no im not goin to heaven im goin to hell.
don't know who to trust.
let me down and i have a caliba to bust.
bom bak youle be dust.
that will give a bumrush.
thirsty like a bloodlust.
kid think back you have a life to re-adjust.
ive been thinkin on what me and my father disgust.
hope my heart won't be crushed.
think im gonna get ambushed.
it was my girl to angel and she pushed.
i blushed.

lost in the track of time.
no matter what never lose your life line.
Kid youlle allways be able to make everything right.
lost in the track of time.
no matter what never lose youre life line.
Kid youle allways be able to make everything right.

geermaaanyyy :D

2011-03-19 @ 01:32:06

im up in germany visiting my related persian cats today ive spended a real goood time withmy cuzin the heaviest amiralee best football player in germany ::P
haha ive met mirro he's homebooy cool dude.
and i bought a present to my beloved one heres comes the piiiiic for her ;) enjoy everyone dont you guys think you have the right's to spoil away your girl a lil bit ? ;)well what  do all yall folks think about it? :P


2011-03-16 @ 00:00:02

some times when i sit down and wonder how my life has been i can say that my life been shit 75% and good 25% but the thing is i forgett everyday who passes me and that shit scares the shit out of me like i put a dot after that chapter and id ont want that top happen at all i want to remember the stuff that i been trough cause it makes me to who i am the dude whos allways kind and calm and try's to fokus on what he's doing and what he wants to do whit his life ut everyday who passes me i begin to get more and more lost in to the djungle and deeper and deeper and darker int to my self infact ive begined to like the color black again and that means bad that im on my way in to the same fucking drama that ive been trough and the tuff periods but theres a bright angel who lifts me upp from all that that angel has changed my fear but i still have my paranoia about stuff and her and i dont want to have that paranoia feeling inside of me cause i love her and i realy dont want to lose here as the status where in right now cause verytime i look in to her eyes its like she shines up my black and white contrasts on the world and on my life just want you all humans out there to know im a special human to notice around im allways in my head thinkin thinkin thinkin thinkin thinkin pling think ive found something ''oooh fuck i forgott it'' and then thinkin thinkin thinkin again thats my everyday life time my rutines almost cant even consentrate in school and thats a fucking a big problem meight but gotta go to sleep everybody but i hope you all out there understands how i mean whit stuff right now PEACE live longest time you ever could do bless big love to all ya'll

ny text fast på svenska...

2011-03-15 @ 19:51:58

vad fan ska man göra åt livet.
en del folk verka ta mig förgivet.
leker med min hjärnas kunskap av ordet vet.
oops min hjärna ramla ur ''pet pet pet.
haha livet ålar sig som sketa.
...snälla sluta fucking peta.
orkar inte hålla på och leta.
tror ni ja orkar veta?
det enda jag gör är att tänka.
tänka på hur ja ska få båten att icke sänkas.
tänker inte längre låta mig kränkas.
står bara o väntar på väntan.
väntan om att se gläntan.
...kan se mig ligga i kistan och änkan.
gråter tårar som ska skänkas.
kan ni fucking förstå känslan?.
orkar inte ha samma längtan.
tänker rymma från min fängslan


2011-03-13 @ 21:18:35

when you are thinkin its like talkin and walkin when your thinkin its like your words come out a mouth in yo head but its only you who can hear your inner voice the same whit then u are walkin then youre body is talking and also thinkin cuz it is the brain who does the job

här äär

2011-03-13 @ 03:30:36

här är lite av min konst som man sj håller på med kanske ni folks ska bring foward the new genertion of future graffiti :Pbröööödaliiieeen shiiit :P

some rhymes ;)

2011-03-13 @ 02:36:36

thinkin and thinkin dont know what the fuck im finding.
hope my life doesnt have an ending.
my desteny is depending.
when ya see shit whit ya eyes.
like lookin at a angel when it cries.
look on me im a human and tries.
need a devise.
dont wanna be unwise.
my mind just allways improvise.
cuz my soul just fuckin freakin dies.
wonder how it feels to dont have any allies.
why does god lie.
he just sittin n throwin a real big pie.
the world just keep on turning.
the people on this world globe keep on learning.
killed my soul and he's just keep on returning.
why do girls keep on flirting.
enough whit my girl who i make keepin on squirting.
waking up the weather is cloudy.
a unknown motha fucka says howdy fuckin proudly.
why do i allways feel shouty.
im not from fuckin saudi.
feelin groovey some chill moody.
think i wanna sleep in the noony.
my girl asked fo a fuckin pony.
that bitch aint gonna get any honey.
dont act like a mahoooney.
i met a phoney.
i mash you like a macaroni.
eat you like a peperoni and eat my microphonie.


2011-03-12 @ 21:54:45

when you take a little bit of a look at shit you will see how shitteyyyyy some shit can be aND WILL BE IF YOU FAIL I HAVE FAILED SO MANY TIMES LIKE I FUCKING PRIME FACEPLANTED ON THE AAAAAAASSSSFAAAAAUUUUUULT HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

till er ;)

2011-03-12 @ 21:37:30

till er alla kanske en liten bild på mig så ni får veta hur jag ser ut ;)


2011-03-11 @ 13:12:27

vad kan livet handla om
jo att leva till det ultimata levandet så man känner nöjje men då kanske ni tänker vad menar han med nöjje?
ett nöjje till att känna käslan och glädjen av livet att bara leva i nuet se vad som händer i verkligheten
allt folks
livet innebär att kämpa för det man vill
om en del känner att ni vill dö
så är det väldigt onödigt
även hur hårt erat liv suger så tänk att ni måste fortsätta kämpa kämpa för eget bästa att aldrig ge upp hoppet de lilla inom er tänk er själva gamla o sitta med den ni älskar och titta ut genom fönstret och skratta åt gamla minnen sen kanske tonåren


2011-03-11 @ 12:56:26

att döda är som att skära dig själv eller hugga dig själv i magen
sluta döda varför döda oskyldiga människor
döda inte någon eller något ting
jag vet det är våran natur
men att slå någon är samma sak att försöka döda
varför våld?
varför krig?
varför döda?
varför ens tänka tanken
jo jag har svaret inom mig men fundera ni själva någon fucking gång :D PEACE